The Morph Concept – Future of Mobile Phones

NokiaNokia recently launched a new research project called The Morph Concept device which would be a bridge between highly advanced technologies and their potential benefits to end-users. This device concept showcases some revolutionary leaps being explored by Nokia Research Center in collaboration with the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre of UK.

The Morph concept technology carries numerous interesting features for future mobile devices:
1. Newly-enabled flexible and transparent materials blend more seamlessly with the way we live.
2. Devices become self-cleaning and self-preserving.
3. Transparent electronics offering an entirely new aesthetic dimension.
4. Built-in solar absorption might charge a device, whilst batteries become smaller, longer lasting and faster to charge.
5. Integrated sensors might allow us to learn more about the environment around us, empowering us to make better choices.

In addition to the advances above, the integrated electronics would cost less and include more functionality in a much smaller space, even as interfaces are simplified and usability is enhanced.

You can watch a video of the Morph Concept which would give you a picture of what exactly they want the future of Mobile phones to be:

Your Views
So what do you think, is this the future of mobile phones or will it just remain as a vision, a dream, a concept?

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  1. thanks for your information.i agree with your Morph concept technology.basically Devices become self-cleaning and self-preserving because in resent past i face so many problem.

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